Tuesday, January 31, 2006


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i based the swatches off of my 7 favorites photos from the batch : waking up, the bath, in the bathroom, stairs, doorway, johnny, and socks.

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Monday, January 30, 2006


let me preface my photo analysis by saying the following:
my digital camera is broken, i had to resort toward using a disposable. (i wasn't even sure if they still made disposable cameras, much less had photo centers, anymore.)
because of this there are some very poor-quality pictures (i couldn't turn off the flash once it was on !); however, i think it adds a nice quality that a digital camera would not have allowed: once the picture was taken, there was no going back ! every picture taken is not staged, but is real--if i didn't like the way it turned out, tough--but it is truth and unmanipulated reality to represent my "day in the life".

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this picture is literally seconds after i woke up. i must have been hyper-conscious of needing to get this work done. i can not recall if i covered my face intentionally or if that was how i really woke up but; i'd assume its a little of both. the purple satain pillow is a pillow from "home"--i have nostolgic tendencies.
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in my bathroom. i was brushing my teeth but ADAMENT about not showing my face in these pictures. notice the black marble around the shower/bath. that was the reason i signed the lease on the apartment. because i'd have a black-walled bathtub. my priorities at the time were a bit jumbled, to say the least.

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the bathtub itself is not black. unfortunately. baths are my heaven. notice my feet at the bottom of the image.

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the picture turned out horribly--but it is of my morning tea. TEA--NOT coffee. i'm determined to slowly but surely break myself of a horrid consumer habit/addiction.

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colorful stairway in a bleak apartment building. this is the second of many pictures i took of my feet--my way to represent the passage and movement of/in time.

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the door leaving my building--a stark contrast to the colorful stairwell. my apartment building depresses me--and i think this image captures the tone adequately.

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at parsons you must learn how to stay in line and be patient. and look at multitudes of designer bags. this is one of many shots with a perspective of me looking down--people say i have a tendency to walk and look at my feet the same time, so this habit must influence my "eye". i believe i framed the shot with my feet in the frame--but, as i've learned, disposable camreas are not as accurate as they lead you to believe.

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if im not looking down at my feet, i'm looking up--i'm notoriously short. i concede i crouched a little to emphasize the "daily jess perspective".

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in class--right before it starts. my feet on the table suggests im comfortable in my "DT environment".

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i'm very much a people watcher. i think its humorous when people know there is a camera aimed at them but they try to pretend they don't notice. those are tina's hands on the far right.

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i wish this picture had turned out better. its of an old-school roseanne biography that was standing on a filing cabinet outside of sung's office. i had to take a picture of it--the randomness of its presence enthralled me--but quickly, as the elevator was arriving ......

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blurry elevator numbers. up and down and up and down and up and down and ..........

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i'm going to be honest: i have no idea what this picture was suppose to be. if you look closely, there is a washed out piece of gum. there is such a strange appeal living in an urban wasteland ......

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walking down 13th street to go to my "history of advertising class", i thought i'd take a picture of the environment around me--and a dumpster, to represent our denial of our mass consumption and waste production. because the class makes me ever-so-cynical. but really--i think i took the picture with the dumpster in the frame to add to my urban wasteland fascination/obsession.

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history of advertising class makes me feel empty inside. much like this picture looks.

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when we get out of class at 5:40, it is dark. it feels asthough the day is done, and i have to retrace my steps to see where the day went. jen is reading a philosophy of aesthetics book.....

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returning home--locked out of my own home ! (an additional image to contribute to the 'urban wasteland' theme). the image itself--despite being overexposed, is still dark and uninviting.

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feet, etc.....

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home is dirty laundry.

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kicking back. i have no excuse for the socks. it could be analyzed as many different things--but when it comes down to it, i have socks with holes in them and i really can't afford to get more.

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sleep/days end. i love the purple pillow.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


to be found here.